Friday, 28 November 2014

The 5 signs that you should have your testsoterone checked

Needing to shave less frequently is one symptom that your testosterone levels may be low, experts say. (Jose Luis Pelaez, Inc./Blend Images/Corbis, US Health & WB)


The truth behind the hype:
Almost all men experience an age-related decline in testosterone at the rate of about 1 percent per year beginning around age 20, Eisenberg told US Health&WB. But some men have a condition known as hypogonadism, which is characterized by low testosterone levels and symptoms such as loss of libido.

Testosterone Tests Become More Common — But Problems Remain
Fortunately, a simple blood test is all it takes to check your T levels. But while screening rates have increased over the past several years, many men aren’t being tested correctly, according to a study recently published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The research team looked at health data on more than 320,000 adult men, about 10,000 of whom had undergone testosterone testing. From 2009 to 2012, the testing rate increased from 2.5 percent of men to 3.6 percent.

Should You Have Your T Levels Tested?
It’s important to note that low testosterone levels alone are not an actual condition or diagnosis. “All men experience an age-related decline in testosterone, but that is not always associated with symptoms or signs that are seen in the clinical diagnosis of hypogonadism,” Malik said, adding that the most common symptom is low libido.

Defining low testosterone is also complicated by the natural, but often substantial, age-related decline in levels of the hormone. By age 80, about half of men have concentrations low enough to justify clinical hypogonadism. “When we talk about normal levels, there are certain age adjustments we should make,” Eisenberg said. “[Researchers are] still trying to decide if the same testosterone cutoff is really applicable to everybody.”

Here are the FIVE tell tale symptoms of low testosterone. If you experience any of them, head to your doctor and talk about eliminating these problems with a testosterone booster.

1. Your sex drive has tanked.
It can be difficult to know if a lack of sex drive might be a problem, or if it’s only a temporary reaction to something that’s going on in your life, such as stress at work. A rule of thumb: If you or your partner is bothered by it, speak to your doctor. Substantial research shows that as sexual drive wanes, so too does libido, Walsh said.

2. Your night time erections are gone.
As soon as you first notice that you have lost spontaneous erections, make an appointment with your doctor, Walsh said. This is a common symptom of hypogonadism in men, but it’s also strongly connected to cardiovascular health. So it’s a good idea to get checked out sooner rather than later in case you might have an underlying cardiovascular problem.

3. You see strange physical symptoms, such as breast enlargement or loss of body hair.
Testosterone is involved with sweat production, hair follicle development, and hair growth. It is also linked with estrogen, a hormone that plays a role in breast development. If you notice breast growth or realize you’re not shaving as frequently as you used to, you might benefit from testosterone booster.

4. You’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis.
Testosterone is necessary to maintain normal bone density, Walsh said. Studies of prostate cancer patients have shown that bone health suffers when men are robbed of testosterone, but hormone replacement therapy can maintain normal bone health in some men. Walsh recommends that all men with osteoporosis receive testosterone screening.

5. You feel as if you’re going through menopause.
Very low testosterone in men can trigger menopause like symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats, Eisenberg explained. “When you put these men on a testosterone booster, they feel better right away,” he said. “It’s really gratifying that there’s really a lot we can do.”

If you have any of these symptoms, talk with your doctor about a testosterone boost. You may also want to ask for a test that gives you your total, bound, and free testosterone levels, many of these symptoms can be combated with a pre-emptive strike of a testoterone booster such as TestoPure, the market leader when it comes to boosting the bodies own natural testosterone production.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

TestoPure the testosterone booster changed my life.

My Background:

Being an active and highly competitive teenager I was forced to stop playing football in my late 20's due to an injury, then life and family happened and by the time I hit my mid to late 30's and had a chance to take a breath and look at myself and my life, it was actually disappointing and it was painful to look in the mirror at myself naked as I was a mess, I was 290lb and had a body fat measurement of 34% this was affecting my health, life and sexual performance, I didn't want to admit it but I later found out that it wasn't really my fault but in the passionate throes of sex, my body would be physically stressed and pull blood away from my extremities in order to maintain my heart and other internal organs, not what you want during sex, in fact it's the total opposite!

I went to the doctor which was a difficult step to overcome initially but he told me what I already knew, he wanted me to lose weight and get fit, he also gave me a blood test which confirmed my testosterone levels had dropped significantly, he said this was quite normal because as men age, their testosterone levels reduce, this can lead to a number of declining health factors including but not limited to, changes in sleep pattern (yes) reduced sexual function (yes) loss of lean muscle mass (yes) increased body fat (yes) he basically described me as I was sitting there in front of him, I ticked all these boxes and maybe you tick some of those boxes too, it's completely natural, I found this simple diagram which displays a fact, something I was completely unaware of, as we get older, we produce less testosterone, a natural hormone produced in the testicles, it's what makes a man, a man.

As we get older our testosterone production reduces, causing many of the symptoms I had, I was overweight, broken sleep, I lost muscle mass and struggled in the bedroom putting a strain on my marriage, I wanted to do something about it before my life imploded, I could feel that coming, life is short and I wanted to enjoy my life, not worry, not have it restrained by my health and other factors out of my control.
I mean having sex is one of lifes great simple pleasure and I was struggling to maintain an erection, especially during a physical sex session, thats when a friend told me about TestoPure a completely natural testosterone booster, within a couple of weeks I felt like I had the energy of a teenager, my sleep had become deep and refreshing, I felt like I had the energy and motivation to go to the gym, I started lifting weights using the very good Critical Bench v2.0 and moved into that world of treadmills, ellipticals and rowing machines that I had previously not had any energy or motivation to even attempt. I lost quite a bit of weight, I dropped 50lbs quite quickly and with it my diet improved, I stopped eating so much junk I wanted to embrace this new me, within a year I felt like I was a different person, a younger, healthier, refreshed person. The me that I wanted to be, the me that was there all along, I'm not sure if I should say it but I will, it saved my life and my marriage!

So what is it? What do they say about TestoPure ?

TestoPure is a testosterone booster, containing natural ingredients specifically targeted to boosting male testosterone levels and with correct supplementation of this hormone booster TestoPure, you can completely eliminate this decline, increasing sexual desire and function, reducing the signs of aging, increased lean muscle mass, increased energy levels and consequently a reduction in body fat.

It makes complete sense to look after our bodies, doesn't it? I had, perhaps like yourself at some point already taken a supplement like iron, calcium, glucosamine, multi-vitamins, even protein shakes and bio-yogurts as a means of boosting our physical and mental health and wellbeing, adding that little extra in a simple straight forward form like this makes sense, it meant I could just get on with my life without the hassle of thinking about how I can get all these stuff into my diet and TestoPure works just like that. Did I have any concerns about taking this booster, well of course, I wanted to know firstly, that it actually worked which I can say it does 100% and then, would it do any harm, well TestoPure squashed any worries I had.

This is what they say about it on the TestoPure website:

YES, it's completely safe, our scientists ensured TestoPure is made only with a specially selected blend of natural extracts and it contains no steroids, no hormones, no stimulants and no fillers.

It s true, if you look at the ingredients, it's just a herbal blend scientifically targeted to boost your testosterone levels conveniently packaged into a one-a-day supplement.

I can't say enough good things about TestoPure and they currently have a FREE trial offer on the website they offer you a try before you buy offer, I think that's an amazing offer, a chance to try it out, see for yourself.

Simply go to the TestoPure website HERE and check it out for yourself, it's the only way to know for sure, you can try it for FREE, you've really nothing to lose but more testosterone!

Please check it out, it really is a no brainer, it extended my life and saved my marriage, this is the new me (the one on the right !)
